Arizona residents may be familiar with prenuptial agreements. Some associate these types of agreements with rich and famous celebrities, but, in actuality, they are used by people from all walks of life. The usefulness of these agreements has recently been debated...
Firm News
Arizona court rejects transgender man’s divorce filing
Arizona readers may be familiar with the case of Thomas Beatie, an Arizona transgender man, who filed for a divorce in this state. This blog has been following the fascinating legal arguments that have been raised by this case, which includes whether a state, that...
Prenuptial agreement voided in landmark family law ruling
Arizona residents may be familiar with a highly publicized court ruling that was issued last week. This ruling may have long lasting effects on the ability of prenuptial agreements to withstand future legal disputes in court. This family law case is very unique...
Arizona judge to rule soon on transgender divorce
There has been a new development in the interesting divorce case occupying one Arizona Court. The case is about a woman who underwent a sex change to become a man, and then married a woman legally in another state and had three children during the marriage. The couple...
Same-sex marriage is a significant family law issue
The recent election was historic in that for the first time ever, voters in three states, Maryland and Maine and Washington, approved of ballot measures legalizing same-sex marriages. In addition to this, Minnesota rejected a proposal similar to the one approved in...
Pre-divorce financial guidance a must for Arizonans
All Arizona residents who are either contemplating a divorce or have already begun the process need to make sure they have fully analyzed all of their finances in order to navigate the divorce process successfully. It is recommended, especially in a high asset or high...
Insurance policies should be examined prior to divorce
Many Arizona residents may not realize the ramifications of a divorce on an individual's insurance policies. During the process of obtaining a divorce settlement, one's insurance policies must be closely examined to achieve an equitable distribution of the parties'...
Arizona court to tackle unique family law case
A complex and unique case is being presented to an Arizona court. The court must decide whether a transgender man's marriage is valid. This complicated family law case involves the infamous "pregnant man." Although he was born as a woman in Hawaii, he subsequently had...